SRARC YouTube Live Stream April Meeting

During the COVID-19 restrictions, the April meeting for the SRARC will be held using a YouTube Live Stream.
Viewers will be able to post questions to the host in the chat window.
Being this is a live stream and will be publicly viewable we will not have a financial report at this time.
The topics will be more information from W1KOM about the Anytone 878 radios, hotspots, and codeplugs.
A discussion from K1KY about WinLink.
Depending on time there may be a short discussion about AREDN and the SouthMesh Map

The video host will be:
SRARC President W0MET – Marvin Turner
SRARC Vice President W1KOM – Glenn Clute
SRARC. Member  K1KY Tom Delker
Chat Moderator KN4CCQ Preston Jernigan

To join the meeting click the below link at 7 PM Thursday.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


SRARC April Club Meeting Information

As many of you know with the current status of COVID-19 it is recommended that meetings and large gatherings be rescheduled.
For the safety of our members, we are in the process of putting together a solution so we can have our April meeting.
Please keep checking this website and your email for updates and information about these changes.