Winter Field Day 2025

Stones River Amateur Radio Club Winter Field Day 2025

Come out and enjoy Winter Field Day with us! Whether you stay for an hour or for the full event, we would love to have you as a guest! WFD is a great opportunity to exercise your portable gear and hang out with other hams. You do NOT need to be a club member or a licensed operator to join in the fun. We will have multiple stations setup for both the contest portion of the event, as well as demonstrations of various modes of operation.

When:      Saturday & Sunday, January 25 & 26, 2025
Where:    Barfield Crescent Park Pavilions #3 & #4
Address: 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN 37128
Contact: Mark Swicord, KD4EYF,
Talk-In:    145.230- T114

The Winter Field Day event runs from 10AM CST on Saturday through 4PM CST on Sunday.

For the contest participants, please familiarize yourself with the Winter Field Day rules.

POTA Rally 2024

Please join us for a Parks On The Air Rally

November 9, 2024 at 0900

Standing Stone State Park, Shelter #3
We will have a presentation on “how to POTA” where we will

cover several topics, including:
Creating an account

What to say (aka – the exchange)

Logging contacts

For those interested, we will also be camping at the park

November 8-10.
Lunch will be provided!

Sponsored by the Macon Area Ham
Radio Society and the Stones River Amateur Radio Club

ARRL Field Day 2024

Stones River Amateur Radio Club Field Day 2024

Come out and enjoy ARRL Field Day with us. Whether you stay for an hour or for the full event, we would love to have you! FD is a great opportunity to exercise your portable gear and hang out with other hams. You do NOT need to be a club member to participate.

When:      June 22&23, 2024
Where:    Barfield Park Pavilion #3
Address: 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN 37128
Contact: Mark Swicord, KD4EYF,
Talk-In:    145.230- T114

Other arrangements forthcoming. (Ie food, exact times, etc)

Amateur Radio Challenge Course

The first Amateur Radio Challenge Course will be held on Saturday June 1, 2024 at 9AM. Come join in the fun and test your skills with your HT!

	ALL licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome and encouraged to participate. Unlicensed individuals are welcome to spectate and learn about our club.

	June 1st
	9AM until ???

	Stones River National Battlefield
	- Park in the Overflow Parking (Gravel lot north of the Visitor's Center)
                 - Map
	This event is designed to practice and maintain Emergency Communications skills at a foundational level.
	Experienced club members will be on-site and available to mentor less experienced operators in a game-like environment.

	- VHF capable handheld radio
	- Paper/pen

	- Radio manual
	- External antenna/support/adapter(s)
	- Spare battery/charger
	- Water
	- Sun protection
	Complete the Challenge Course in the shortest time, while relying on external assistance as little as possible.
	1) Have FUN!!! (Our club callsign is K4FUN, after all)
	2) No internet use allowed while running the Challenge Course.
	3) Participants may not use memory channels if they were programmed before starting the Challenge Course
	4) Once a participant has started the Challenge Course, they may only use the equipment they brought with them
	5) Participants may run the Challenge Course as many times as desired.

Winter Field Day 2024

SRARC Winter Field Day 2024

Come out and enjoy Winter Field Day with us. Whether you stay for an hour or for the full event, we would love to have you! WFD is a great opportunity to exercise your portable gear and hang out with other hams. You do NOT need to be a club member to participate.

When:      January 27&28, 2024
Where:    Barfield Park Shelter #6
Address: 697 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN 37128
Contact: Mark Swicord, KD4EYF,
Talk-In:    145.230- T114

WaveTalkers Winlink Workshop

Winlink for EmComm: Beginners Workshop

Welcome to the WaveTalkers Winlink for Emergency Communications: Beginners Workshop! Over the next 4 weeks the WaveTalkers crew will guide you step by step into the world of Winlink. Below you will find the syllabus for the workshop and what you should do to prepare for Week 1.

Preparing for Week 1

To participate in the class you will need the following:

  • Windows 10/11 PC or Virtual Machine
  • Latest copy of Zoom which you can download and install from:
  • Updated Web Browser, we suggest using Chrome as your Default Browser.
  • Valid Amateur Radio Call Sign (you will need this to set up your Winlink Account)
  • Download the latest copy of Winlink Express.
    • Go to
    • Click on the Download: Winlink Express (current production version) link
    • We will step through the installation and initial setup process together in class.



Week 1: Getting Started

The Goal for Week 1 of the workshop is to get you started with Winlink and able to successfully send and receive winlink email messages.

Topics covered:

  • What is Winlink from an Emergency Communications perspective.
  • Winlink Installation on a Windows 10/11 PC
  • Setting up your Winlink account and application settings.
  • Guided tour of the Winlink User Interface including tricks for working more efficiently within the application.
  • Sending and receiving your first Winlink messages via Telnet

Homework: Send a Winlink email message to your out-of-area emergency contact.  Explain to them what Winlink is, why you are sending this message, and ask them to reply to your Winlink message.

At the end of the first week you will have a working copy of Winlink installed on your Windows PC and be able to send and receive basic winlink messages to a Call Sign address, a tactical address, and a real world email address.

Week 2: Position Information & Winlink Forms

The Goal for Week 2 of the workshop is to familiarize you with the basics of sending and receiving Winlink Forms.

To participate in Week 2 you will need to have a working copy of Winlink already installed as per Week 1, and an up-to-date web browser, we suggest Chrome for maximum compatibility. A USB connected GPS is highly recommended although not required. Link to a suggested models will be provided on the WaveTalkers Website and noted during Week 1.

Topics covered:

  • Overview of Winlink Templates and Forms
  • Submitting a Mappable Winlink Check-In Form
  • Configuring Winlink Location Information and Submitting a Position Report
  • Submitting a Field Situation Report
  • Submitting a USGS DYFI Report
  • Overview of Winlink Mapping Capabilities
  • Submitting a Mappable Winlink Check-Out form.

Homework: Exchange Winlink Check-in and Field Situation Reports with your team members.  Map the responses for the Field Situation Report, save a JPG image of the map and attach the image to a winlink message and send that message to all 3 of your instructors (W6AH;W0DHG;NR6V).

At the end of Week 2 you will be able to successfully report your latitude and longitude position information via Winlink and submit multiple key Winlink Forms.

Week 3: ICS Forms and Working with Form Data

The Goal for Week 3 is to familiarize you with commonly used Incident Command System (ICS) forms and empower you to import and export data for forms.

Week 3 is building on the previous 2 weeks so in addition to everything noted above it will be helpful to have access to a basic spreadsheet program for working with tab delimited data.  Suggested spreadsheet programs include: Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, or Libre Office Calc. A basic knowledge of spreadsheet applications will be helpful, although not required.

Topics covered:

  • Working with common ICS forms
  • Exporting and Importing form data using CSV formats
  • Importing and Exporting CSV form data into a Spreadsheet for basic data manipulation and data entry
  • Web EOC Quick Request
  • American Red Cross Forms
  • Generating an ICS-309 Communications Log

Homework: Use the winlink tools to create an ICS-205 with at least 1 voice and 1 digital frequency.  Exchange ICS-213 messages with at least 1 of your team mates with each of you sending and receiving at least 2 messages to each other. Generate an ICS-309 that covers the entire length of this course including Week 3 homework exchanges and submit a CSV version of that report to your instructors.

At the end of Week 3 you will be able to send and receive common ICS forms and work with the data contained within those forms.

Week 4: Sending Traffic via RF and Simulated Exercise

The Goal for Week 4 is to provide you with an overview of sending and receiving winlink traffic via a radio connected to a PC and for you to participate in an Simulated Event where you will be asked to successfully send and receive Winlink traffic.

Topics covered:

  • Overview of Windows PC to Radio Connections
  • Submitting weather reports
  • Live demonstrations of Winlink with Packet, VARA FM, VARA HF
  • Participate in Simulated Event Exercise

At the end of Week 4, you will be a confident Winlink operator, capable of successfully passing appropriate EmComm information in a timely manner via Winlink.   You will also be ready for advanced workshops focused on specific RF operating modes using HF, VHF, and UHF bands

Workshop Zoom Link

February 16, 2022
7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern

Zoom Doors will open approximately 10 min before the workshop begins.

Join Zoom Meeting 
Please do not share this link publicly.

Thank you for joining us our this journey into ham radio and emergency communications.

Chris Mattia de W6AH
Social Media: @wavetalkers #wavetalkers

Boy Scouts use amateur radios for worldwide conversations

About 30 members of Murfreesboro Boy Scout Troop 416 participated in the Boy Scouts International Jamboree-On-The-Air (JOTA) on October 15,2022.

Members of the Stones River Amateur Radio Club of Murfreesboro – David Jones is the Troop 416 Scoutmaster — assisted the Scouts with the event. The Stones River Amateur Radio Club brought its Amateur Radio Emergency Service trailer, which is always on standby to help during disasters such as a tornado.

Mikel Turner helped this Boy Scout make a contact.

Doug Lowe sharing his considerable expertise with some Cub Scouts.

SRARC Meeting, Thursday, Oct 6, 2022

The next meeting is Thursday October 6 7p EMA Building.  1220 W College St, Murfreesboro,TN 37129

Radio Programming at next meeting

Please let Mark Swicord ( what make/model you need programed. Also let him know if you have a programming cable for the radio.

Upcoming Hamfests

Chattanooga 10/14-15/22,

Stone Mountain (Atlanta) 11/5-6/22,

Stone River ARRL VE Testing 

David Wilson, (615) 579-3177,

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